Zero Crossing Detector

Zero Crossing Detector

Op-Amp as Zero Crossing Detector

  • The basic non-inverting comparator can be used as a zero crossing detector
  • This circuit tells wether the input siganl is greater than or less than zero and indicates the zero crossing points of the input
  • A typical circuit for such a detector
  • It is a non-inverting comparator circuit with Vref=0V.
  • During the positive half cycle, the input voltage is positive i.e above the reference voltage. Hence voltage is +Vsat
  • During negative half cycle, the input Vin is negative, i.e below the references voltage. The output voltage is than -Vsat.
  • Thus the output voltage switches between +Vsat and -Vsat whenever the input signal crosses the zero level. Thus the output indicates the zero crossing of the input by changing the state of the output
  • waveforms
  • we realize that zero crossing detector can be used as a sine to square wave converter


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