Zener Diode as Regulator

Line Regulation with Zener Regulator

    Line Regulation with Zener Regulator

  • Zener regulator under varying input voltage condition
  • It can be seen the input is
    1. Vo=Vzis constant
    2. IL = Vo/Rl = Vz/Rl = constant
    3. And I = Iz+IL
  • Now If Vin increases, than the total current I increases. But IL is constant as Vz is constant as Vz in constant. Hence the current Iz increases to keep IL constant
  • But as long as Iz is between Izmin and Izmax, the Vz i.e output voltage Vo is constant
  • Thus the changes in input voltage get compensated and output is maintained constant.
  • Similarly if Vin decreases, than current I decreases. But to keep IL constant, Iz decreases. As long as Iz is between Izmax and Izmin the output voltage remains constant.
  • the maximum power dissipation for the zener diode is fixed and given by
    1. Pd = VzIz max


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