Voltage Fallower

Voltage Fallower

Op-Amp as Voltage Fallower

  • A circuit in which the output fallows the input voltage is called voltage fallowercircuit
  • The voltage fallower circuit using op-amp

  • The node B is at potential Vin
  • Now node A is also at the same potential as B i.e according to the same concept of virtual ground
  • Va = Vb =Vin
  • Now node A is directly connected to the ootput. Hence we can write,
  • Vo = Va
  • Vo = Vin
  • For this circuit, thevoltage gain is unity.
  • Thus the output voltage Vo is equal to the input voltage Vin. If Vin increses, Vo also increases. If Vin decreases also Vo decreases. Thus output fallowes the input hence the circuit is called voltage fallower circuit.
  • It also calledsource fallower, unity gain amplifier, buffer amplifier or isolation amplifier
  • the input and output waveforms


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