Regulated power supply

Block Schmatic Regualted powe supply

D.C Power Supplay Stages

The block diagram of d.c power supply

  • A typical d.c power supply consists of varies stages. The block diagram of d.c power supply consisting of varies circuit.
  • 1.Transformer

  • The a.c voltage(230v,50Hz) is connected to the primary of the transformer. The transformer steps down the a.c voltage, to required for the desired d.c voltage output. Thus, with suitable turns ratio we get desired a.c voltage
  • 2.Rectifier Circuit

  • The rectifier circuit converts this a.c voltage into a pulsating d.c voltage. A pulsating d,c voltage means a undirectional voltage containing large varying component called ripple in it
  • 3.Filter circuit

  • The filter circuit is used after a rectifier circuit, which reduses the ripple content in the pulsating d.c tries to make it smoother. Still then the filter output contains the some ripple. The voltage is called unregulated
  • 4.Regulator circuit

  • A circuit used after the filter is a regulator circuit. The ouput of a regulator is called regulated smooth d.c supply, to which load can be connected


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