Op-Amp as Non-Inverting Comparator

Basic Non-Inverting Comparator

    Non-Inverting comparator

  • The basic non-inverting comparator
  • in this comparator, the input voltage is applied to the non-inverting terminal and no reference voltage is applied to other terminal
  • So inverting terminal is grounded
  • the input voltage is denoted as Vin while the voltage applied to other terminal with which Vin is compared in denoted as Vref
  • In the basic comparator, Vref=0V
  • In the non-inverting comparator, If Vin is greatr then Vref, Then output is +Vsat i.e. almost is equal to +Vcc
  • while if Vin is less then Vref then output is -Vsat i.e. almost equal to -Vee
  • As Vref=0V when Vin is positive then Vo=+Vsat, While when Vin is Negative then Vo=-Vsat
  1. This is because, as open loop gain op-amp is very very high even for verry small Vin the op-amp output saturates
  2. The input and output waveforms for a basic non-inverting comparator, for sinusoidal input
  3. If Vin>Vref then the output is +Vast, While if Vin less then Vref then the output is at -Vsat
  4. For positive Vref the waveforms for +Vsat and -Vsat


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