Op-Amp Symbol and Terminals


Op-Amp Symbol Terminals

  • Basically op-amp symbol is triangle shape how the current flow through op-amp
  • op-amp basically have 8 pins we use only five pins
    1. pin number 2 is the inverting terminal
    2. pin number 3 is non-inverting terminal
    3. pin number 4 is negative -15 volt input
    4. pin number 6 is the ouput singal pin
    5. pin number 7 is the +15 volt input
  • When the input is applie to pin no:-2 that is inverting terminal, her the input and otput phase different between 180*
  • When the input is applied to the pin:-3 thet is non-inverting terminal, Here there no phase difference between input and output
  • op-amp has dual supply that is DC supply pin no:- positive supply 7 and negative supply 4. The voltage is applie +15v and -15v
  • the dual supply are same voltage
  • when the two voltage is same is clled balanced dual supply
  • When the dual voltage is not same is called Unbalanced dual supply

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