Electronic Oscillator Division Types

Electronic oscillator division types

Electronic oscillator division types

  • What is the oscillator ?
  • An oscillator a circuit which produces a continous, repeated, alternating waveform without any input. Oscillators basically convert unidirectional current flow from a DC source into an alternating waveform which is of the desired frequency, as decided by its circuit components.
  • There are many types of oscillator are there but more uses oscillator are
    1. Crystal Oscillator
    2. RC Oscillator
    3. LC Oscillator

    1.Crystal Oscillator

    If the mechanical force is applied in such a way to force the crystal to vibrate, the a.c voltage get generated across it. Conversely, if the crystal is subjected to a.c voltage, it vibrates causing mechanical distortion in the crystal shape.
  • Application of Crystal Oscillator
    1. We can use this crystal in Hartley Oscillator circuit
    2. Colpitt's Oscillator Circuit
    3. Computers
    4. Analog Watchs

    2.RC Oscillator

  • what is the RC oscillator ?
  • The basic RC oscillator which is also known as a phase-shift oscillator, produces a sine wave output signal using regenerative feedback obtained from the resisiter-capacitor ladder network. RC oscillator are used at low frequency range.
  • Application of RC Phase-Shift oscillator
    1. Generate the signals over an extensive range of frequency
    2. Musical Instruments
    3. GPS units
    4. voice synthesis

    3.LC Oscillator

  • What is the LC oscillator ?
  • The oscillator which is use the elements Inductance(L) nad Capacitance(C) to produce the oscillations are called LC Oscillator. This oscillator use in high frequency range
  • Application of LC oscillator
    1. Radio
    2. Television(T.V)
    3. High frequency heating
    4. RF generaters


  1. It's been awhile since I read about oscillators, especially the different types of oscillators. This is a good article to refresh my knowledge on this particular topic!


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