Barkhausen Criterion

Barkhausen Criterion

Barkhausen Criterion

    Consider a basic inverting amplifier with an open loop gain A.

  • As basic amplifier is inverting, it produces a phse shift of 180* between input and output.
  • The feedback network attenuation factor β is less than unity.
  • Now the input Vi applies to the amplifier is to be derived from its output Vo using feedback network.
  • But the feedback must be positive i.e. the voltage derived from output using feedback network must be in phase with Vi. Thus the feedback network must introduce a phase shift of 180* while feeding back the voltage from output to input. This ensures positive feedback.
  • The arrangement shown

  • Consider a fictitions voltage Vi applied at the input of the amplifier. Hence we get,
  • Vo = A Vi
  • The feedback factor β decides the feedback to given input,
  • Vf = β Vo
  • Substituting these two
  • Vf = A β Vi
  • For the oscillator, we want that feedback should drive the amplifier and hence Vf act as Vi. we can write that, Vf sufficient to act as Vi when,
  • |Aβ|=1
  • And the phase of Vi is same as Vi i.e. feedback network should introduce 180* phase shift in addition to 180* phase shift introduced by inverting amplifier. This ensures positive feedback. So total phase shift around a loop 360*
  • In this condition, Vf drives the circuit and without external input circuit works as an oscillator
  • The two conditions discussed above, required to work the circuit as an oscillator are called Barkhausen criterionfor oscillator
  • Satisfying these conditions, the circuit works as an oscillator producing sustained oscillations of constant frequency and amplitude
  • sustained oscillations


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